Living a Gluten Free Lifestyle

Fall Festival Cupcakes

Hello Everybody! I’m back and boy oh boy have I missed you. Since being back at school life has been crazy busy, but I am thinking about new posts all the time. This is a particularly fun post for me so buckle in folks. It is fall and I know I have told you all at least one hundred times that classic fall flavors are some of my favorite to work with. Allrecipes was hosting a fall Sweets and Treats contest so of course I had to enter. We find out the results of the contest on October 28th and I can’t wait. For the contest I entered my Fall Festival Cupcakes inspired by, you guessed it, the classic flavors of fall: apple and pumpkin. The flavor of the first cupcake was a caramel apple cupcake with an apple spiced cake, caramel filling, and a cinnamon cream cheese frosting. The flavor of the second cupcake was a pumpkin spice cake, with a brown-butter glaze filling, and the same cinnamon cream cheese frosting. Truthfully these cupcakes came out as the best cupcakes I have ever had, period. I am very proud of them, and am excited to see where else I can go from here. I shared them with a family friend, who loved them and assured me that quote: “If the whole lawyer thing doesn’t work out at least we know you would be a damn good baker.” What means more to me than the compliment or that the cupcakes even turned out decent is that these cupcakes made people smile and made their day a little better. After all, that is what I love most about cooking, baking, and sharing my gluten free experience: making food that can bring a smile to someone’s face. By doing so it allows me to do my part to make this world a little sweeter of a place to be. There is only so much a person can do to make the world a little better, but at least do that. Do your part to make someone’s day brighter, even if that someone is you. My roommate and I joke that we could have quite the side hussle if we went around campus selling our gluten free treats, I mean hey the Girl Scouts that come to campus during cookie season seem to do exceptionally well, and they’re seasonal! My roommate and I live here all the time 🙂 Anyway please reach out with comments if you would like to see a post about the cupcake recipes. Otherwise from my kitchen to yours stay safe and eat well.

Until next time,


By Brynn Kimel

I am a student at the University of St.Thomas aspiring to practice law in the future. I am Brooke's older sister and have grown up within her journey of living with celiac. I have been gluten free at home since her diagnosis, but have recently gone gluten free due to my own medical reasons.

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